2 years ago today!

A post shared by Em | Oh Gosh (@ohgoshem) on

2 years ago today I was having an ultrasound on my boob, innocently asking the lady doing it what the images on the screen meant.
She asked me if I wanted her to be honest.
I said yes.
She told me I had cancer.

I could never have been prepared for the way my life has changed since then. I look at photos of me 2 years ago and all I can do is mourn for the girl with the long, thick, beautifully balaged hair and carefree smiles and normal life - a life without cancer being a prominent feature in all our thoughts!

Yes, I've has some amazing times these last few years, but my god, I wish I wasn't where I am now! I'd give them all back to just be normal again. To not be stuck with cancer for life. To know that this thing isn't slowly killing me.

So, today I'm going to sit here and cry a little for the life I'll never have back.
Then I'm going to put on my big girl pants and get on with my day!

Here's a little video of me and the hair I miss from the day after I had that ultrasound. 

A post shared by Em | Oh Gosh (@ohgoshem) on

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